Friday, April 25, 2008


I can't believe that DH has been gone for over a week and I haven't gotten back here to finish the post. So please forgive me???? I have been working at YMS while Lydia was out and have been super busy! The UPS man loves it when I scream and yell and jump up and down when he arrives! The FedEx man and the DSL guy they aren't quite so sure what is going on they just don't understand that everyday that they show up is like Christmas for me. I am only working for a couple of hours this morning and I promise that I'll be back this afternoon with some pics of the new product at the shop.......OK so I have to fess up part of the problem with me not posting is I left my camera in the car and it had no life left.....and I kept forgetting to bring it in with me to charge it.....but right now it is charging next to my coffee cup! So

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